CERN Accelerating science

CESSAMag delivering impact

Completed at the end of 2016, CESSAMag fulfilled all its objectives.

Moedas on SESAME and science diplomacy

EU Commissioner on SESAME and its model for science diplomacy in the EU

New industrial relations with SESAME members

FP7 CESSAMag engineers procure components from companies based in SESAME Members 

FP7 CESSAMag and science diplomacy

CESSAMag has welcomed engineers from Iran, Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey to CERN.

        Bending magnet for            SESAME storage ring      

Successful tests of the first SESAME bending magnet.

Powering strategy of SESAME magnets

Special powering strategy for SESAME magnets developed under CERN and SESAME collaboration

First pre-series sextupole for the SESAME storage ring

The ISIS facility celebrates the 10th anniversary of its radio frequency quadrupole accelerator.

First industry magnet for SESAME storage ring

In July 2014, the first industry assembled sextupole magnet for SESAME was arrived and passed successful tests at CERN.