Panagiotis Charitos, Editor-in-chief Panos holds a bachelor and a master degree in astrophysics from Imperial College London and a MSc in Media and Communications at the London School of Economics. His studies in media and sociology led him to study for a MA and a PhD in Theology/Philosophy of Religion. He joined CERN in 2011 as member of the ALICE Outreach Group and since 2013 he also serves as co-editor of the PH newsletter. Before that, Panos had worked for major daily newspapers and he was editor-in-chief of Eurasia Publications. He also served as scientific editor at Travlos Publications and Crete University Press. He joined Accelerating News in November 2015 reporting on FCC and EuroCirCol.
Livia Lapadatescu, Co-editor Livia holds a Master of International and European Law from the University of Geneva. After her studies, she worked at UNHCR and WHO on project management and external relations as well as at a PR agency where she gained experience in corporate communication and media monitoring. She is currently working in the European Projects Office at CERN, Geneva. She joined Accelerating News in December 2013 reporting on key conference outcomes. Her main focus is on knowledge and technology transfer stories. She is also one of our website gurus. She also enjoys photography, sky watching and is interested in astrophotography.
Alexandra Welsch, UK Editor Alexandra has been working as part of the EU Project TEAM based at the Cockcroft Institute / University of Liverpool, UK since 2011. Her work includes the development and administration of the websites of the Marie Curie networks oPAC and LA³NET. These are two of the largest EU-funded training initiatives in accelerator R&D, linking around 70 institutions around the world. She is also in charge of the actualisation of the social media presence of these projects, as well as the creation and distribution of different newsletters. Alexandra joined the accelerating news editorial board in June 2015. In her spare time she enjoys sports, travelling and spending time with her family.
Jennifer Toes, Junior Communication Officer Jennifer holds an MSc in Science Communication from Imperial College London and a BSc in Biology from Queen Mary, University of London. Prior to joining CERN, Jennifer has worked as an Editorial Production Assistant at BioMed Central and as a Policy Intern at the Campaign for Science and Engineering (UK). She provides administrative, advisory and communication support to CERN's European projects. She is also responsible for the creation and production of the AIDA-2020 project newsletter and a video series on its Transnational Access programme. She joined Accelerating news in March 2016.