CERN Accelerating science

  Beam Dynamics meets Magnets supported by EuCARD-2
   by Giuliano Franchetti (GSI)

                                         Group photo from the recent workshop at the Darmstadtium.
                                                                                  Image credit: Paul Goergen 

An unforeseen collaboration was formed as a result of a workshop last December, which brought together two independent working groups, the beam dynamics and magnets experts.

“EuCARD-2XBEAM-XRING activity makes it possible to think out of the box and to bring experts together to exchange their ideas who would otherwise not collaborate“, says Franchetti, the father of this initiative.
The “Beam Dynamics meets Magnets” workshop has attracted over 80 members of the Particle Accelerator Beam Dynamics and of the Accelerator Magnet communities.. Topics covered ranged from energy frontier to intensity frontier. The meeting has been an unprecedented forum for traditionally independent entities to share experiences accumulated in different laboratories characterized by different traditions, different projects, and different people.

The discussions at the meeting have primarily been center on FAIR project issues. Discussion on inside aspects of LHC, J-PARC, and ATF2, along with ISIS put the FAIR effort into a new and more positive prospective. The open discussions, and information from the workshop contributed to tune the FAIR roadmap for dipoles and quadrupoles procurement, and the strategies of magnet measurements as well as the interplay with beam dynamics to a new and more efficient level. Remarkably, at the end of the workshop, the participants have acknowledged the need to keep the “meeting” going and sharing information.

Given the positive results of the meeting, the next one has already been scheduled for 1-4 December 2014. It will be coordinated by the EuCARD2 XBEAM-XRING Network and hosted by PSI.