CERN Accelerating science

  From the editors
  by Mathilde Chaudron (CERN), Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN), Celine Tanguy (CEA)

Order an EuCARD booklet: 18 topics on Accelerator Science and Technology have been addressed in total. Click here to see all the topics and request a copy (free of charge). Image credit: EuCARD.

In this summer issue we are approaching the end of EuCARD and have welcomed the beginning of EuCARD-2. We are pleased to report on the recent fruitful events including the workshop on "Visions for the future of particle accelerators" and the TIARA workshop on RF power generation.

We find out about the improvements for FAIR and SPIRAL2 within the CRISP project, the successful 11 Tesla project and the latest achievements within EuCARD. The approval of the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics by the CERN council is also highlighted.

In the headlines, we have found stories about cherry pie colliders, ILC technical report published lately and further developments towards industrial and medical applications of accelerators. Amongst the events, we also highlight the upcoming ICAN Symposium.

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We hope you enjoy this issue. Please contact us with any news or events that you would like added to future issues.