CERN Accelerating science

  From the editors
  by Kate Kahle (CERN), Celine Tanguy (CEA), Elena Wildner (CERN)

Accelerating News publicised in the June issue of the CERN Courier. Image credit: CERN Courier.

In this summer issue we look at how developments in collimator materials could have applications in aerospace and beyond, and how Polish researchers are harnessing accelerators for medical and industrial uses. We see how the LHC luminosity upgrade is linking with European industry and US researchers, and how the neutrino oscillation community is progressing. We find out the mid-term status of TIARA-PP and how it is mapping European accelerator education resources.

In the headlines we’ve found stories of ILC and CLIC, how particle physics could predict your car’s lifetime, how ICAN will look at laser acceleration and how SESAME is on track for commissioning. We see how accelerator research can benefit from blogging and can be of benefit to numerous applications.

We hope you enjoy this issue. Please contact us with any news or events that you would like added to future issues.