A recently published report identifies and describes key, critical items requiring strongly focused R&D activities in the TIARA implementation. The purpose of the TIARA Preparatory Phase is to set the grounds for a European distributed accelerator R&D infrastructure. It supports a strongly coordinated R&D programme focused on keeping Europe at the forefront of development and deployment of large accelerator-based infrastructures for basic and applied physics. This coordination allows higher efficiency and savings in both resources and time for European accelerator R&D. In this context, the primary objective of Work Package 4 “Joint R&D Programming” (WP4) is to propose a coherent and comprehensive R&D programme that will be carried out by the accelerator community in the future distributed infrastructure. The starting point of WP4 was an analysis of the R&D needs for the accelerator facilities that are currently under construction (e.g. European XFEL, FAIR, ESS, …) and those that are being planned as major upgrades of existing facilities (LHC upgrades: LIU, HL-LHC) or foreseen in the future (IFMIF, CLIC/ILC, Neutrino and flavour factories, EURISOL, 4th Generation light sources…). An additional effort was directed to identifying emerging ideas and technologies that may lead to a new class of accelerator facilities based on novel techniques, such as plasma acceleration schemes. The General Report on Key Accelerator Research Areas and Key R&D Issues, the first WP4 deliverable, is now available. |