Image of the full EUROnu article, available here. Image credit: Accelerating News The EUROnu FP7 design study is investigating three possible options for future high intensity neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. The project started in 2008 and will finish on the 31st August 2012. It will communicate its results on performance and cost to the decision-making bodies in Europe, in particular the CERN Council. A consortium of 15 full partners and another 15 associate partners undertake the work on accelerators, detectors and physics. The three facilities being studied are: a 4 MW protons on target “Super-Beam”; a “Beta-Beam” facility producing neutrino beams from the decay of accelerated beta decaying isotopes stored in a decay ring; a “Neutrino Factory” using muons from 4 MW protons impinging a heavy metal target that will be collected and cooled in a cooling channel before being accelerated and stored in a decay ring. EUROnu is now far advanced and entering a phase where the costing exercises, which have already started, will be intensified. This assumes that the three facilities will be built at CERN, where existing machines and infrastructures will be used as far as possible, for costing of the civil engineering work. |