It sounds like a simple question, but no one knew the answer until the recent TIARA survey revealed, perhaps surprisingly, that in recent years more than 1300 people are being trained annually in some aspect of accelerator science (see figure). Understanding the provision of accelerator science training is one of the key aims of TIARA Work Package 5 “Education & Training” (WP5). To try to get answers to this and related questions, a web-based survey was performed between September 2011 and January 2012. Approximately 100 institutes were contacted in the TIARA member states: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. In addition, responses were received from several institutes in Greece and the Netherlands. A total of 88 institutes provided data for the survey – a response that, we think, covers the majority of key players in the countries surveyed. The WP5 team has digested the data and produced a comprehensive report that provides a remarkable snapshot of the current training situation. The data are also in the process of being made available in a user-friendly www-accessible database that allows detailed queries and searches to be made. |