CERN Accelerating science

ERC Grants Supporting Alternative Accelerator Technologies

ERC grants are currently being used to support development of alternative accelerator technologies.



Workshop on Accelerators for ADS

A workshop on accelerators for Accelerator Driven Systems took place on 20-21 March 2014.

Development of a Fast Ramped Superconducting Dipole Magnet

Fast ramped magnets are an essential component of heavy-ion synchrotrons. Future developments ask for higher rigidity of the beams leading to stronger magnetic fields of the magnets and therefore to superconductivity.

Crab Cavity RF System

As part of the HL-LHC upgrade, a conceptual RF system layout for a local crab crossing scheme has been presented.

Call for Applications to ICTF”

Applications are now being invited for access to the Ionisation Cooling Test Facility (ICTF) based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, including the MICE experiment.

News about Tiara

The TIARA preparatory phase has been extended for one year, until December 31st 2014.

World-record current in the MgB2 superconductor

Members of the CERN Superconductors team achieved a world-record current in MgB2 superconductor.

EuCARD-2 Highlights from Hamburg

Over 140 accelerator specialists came together at the DESY for the 1st annual meeting for EuCARD-2.