CERN Accelerating science

 EuCARD-2 achievements and prospects

Towards the next generation of more compact and more sustainable accelerators. 

Accelerator applications for a better future

EuCARD-2 has produced a report on particle accelerator applications.

The road to accelerator energy efficiency

Energy optimisation of RF technology and heat recovery in EuCARD-2.

Fourth meeting on innovative RF technologies

EuCARD-2’s WP12 held its fourth and final Annual Meeting in Poland. 

Accelerators for testing energy efficiency

Accelerators could help stablize power grids as part of VPP networks.

ADS research workshop held at CERN

A look at current and future Accelerator Driven Systems around the globe.

eeFACT2016 held in Daresbury UK

Discussing future directions for circular ep colliders

Milestone for HTS coil at UNIGE

Successful tests of superconducting coil able to reach magnetic field of 25T
