EuCARD-2 3rd Annual Meeting highlights
Highlights from EuCARD-2's third annual meeting in Malta over 13th-17th April 2016
Workshop on accelerator energy efficiency
Highlights from the EuCARD2 WP3 workshop on proton driver accelerator energy efficiency.
The kladistron project for high-efficiency klystrons
Kladistron project to design high-power 12GHz klystron for CLIC
Delivering impact of particle accelerators
“The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project initiated by EuCARD-2 kicked-off in mid-June.
Wake field monitoring to improve FEL performance
Wake field monitors to offer a way to diagnose and correct beam degradation.
Towards 90% power conversion efficiency for klystrons
A novel method to achieve 90% RF power conversion efficiency in klystrons.
Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe
A project to demonstrate the importance and impact of particle accelerators to policy makers.
First Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop
News from the first Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop, addressing novel challenges of particle accelerators
New approach to characterize RF properties in complex structures
Introducing a new method for the characterization of radio frequency properties of large structures