by Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN)
APAE kick-off. Courtesy of University of Huddersfield
“The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project initiated by EuCARD-2 kicked-off with a very intense 2-day event in London in mid-June.
More than 90 researchers from various scientific fields gathered at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London mid-June to share and learn about each other’s area of expertise with particle accelerators, clearly demonstrating that there is more to particle accelerators than the Higgs. The event featured expert talks from academia, industry and medical representatives on the main application areas of accelerators including industry and environment (ion and electron beams), security, health, photonics, neutron scattering and energy.
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the potential of particle accelerators and the importance of continuing their development, and deliver a report to be presented to European funding bodies and policy makers. The 2-page summary of the document will be focusing on accelerator research at country level and will be tailored (including translation) to many of the European countries.
The next steps are now in the hands of the session conveners to organize a structured input from their communities demonstrating the impact and challenges of accelerator research and applications. The target publication date is end of 2016.
If you could not attend the meeting but would be interested in contributing to the document, please get in touch with the organizers or the session conveners.