CERN Accelerating science

ARIES to launch innovation fund
by Jennifer Toes (CERN)

ARIES Proof-of-Concept fund opens in December 2017 (Image: CERN)

In December 2017, the ARIES project will launch a call for proposals to its Proof-of-Concept (PoC) fund. By offering funding to new and novel projects, the fund aims to foster innovation and enhance the impact of accelerator technology in society.

By bridging the gap between the seed stages of research and their full commercial application, the fund will reduce the financial risks associated with early-stage innovation.

A total of €200,000 will be initially available for up to four projects based on accelerator science, with clear potential to go beyond the realm of scientific research within particle physics.

Selected projects should focus on the possible societal and commercial applications of their ideas within fields such as medicine, energy, security, and any others of relevance where accelerator technology may be of use.

ARIES will manage the fund through a dedicated Work Package, WP14 Promoting Innovation, led by Marcello Losasso of the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group. WP14 will foster technology development in key areas, strengthen relationships with commercial partners, and provide advice to ARIES members on intellectual property (IP) management and licensing.

With this in mind, the PoC funding may be used to investigate the commercial feasibility of a new concept, as well as identifying opportunities for partnerships, licences and IP positions.

Via a competitive two-step selection process, projects will shortlisted for interview based on the quality and potential impact of their project, as demonstrated in their proposal. The Evaluation Panel will make their final recommendations following the presentation and interview of shortlisted candidates.

“The Proof-of-Concept fund is a key component of the ARIES innovation strategy,” says Maurizio Vretenar, ARIES project Scientific Coordinator, based at CERN in Switzerland. “Our community is very creative and it is important to stimulate this talent towards applications that could have an impact on society.”

The fund will officially open its call for proposals as of 14th December 2017, and will remain open for at least four months. The final deadline for submissions is expected in April 2018.

Further information about the fund will be posted on the ARIES project website soon. Interested parties are invited to check the site regularly for updates.