by Angeles Faus-Golfe (UV), Rob Edgecock (HUD/STFC)

APAE poster
We are pleased to announce the kick-off meeting of “The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project that will be held on 18-19 June 2015 at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.
Organised by the EuCARD‐2 project, this meeting marks the beginning of a process to document the uses and importance of accelerators in Europe. It will study applications which are new or currently under development, and for which technology developed for research can have an impact. The aim will be to demonstrate the potential of particle accelerators and the importance of continuing their development, and deliver a report that can be presented to European policy makers.
This kick‐off meeting brings together people who are willing to contribute to this document and will focus on several topics including Industry and Environment (Ion and Electron beams), Security, Health, Photonics and Energy. If you are working in one of these fields, are interested in this activity and willing to contribute, we invite you to attend, be part of the project and have your say.
For more information on the programme and registration please consult the website.