Superconductivity accelerates a sustainable future
CERN’s Superconductivity Hackathon presents ground-breaking applications of superconductors
Civil engineering for the High-Luminosity LHC
HL-LHC to integrate new accelerator components at Point 1 and 5.
Laser technology to take LHC to the next level
Laser-based process to modify the surface of metals in LHC.
Accelerator reliability training help for experts
4th Accelerator Reliability and Availability (ARA) course to be held in Nov 2017.
UK start-up accelerates business with CERN tech
STFC CERN Business Incubation Centre welcomes D-beam.
ADS research workshop held at CERN
A look at current and future Accelerator Driven Systems around the globe.
The road to accelerator energy efficiency
Energy optimisation of RF technology and heat recovery in EuCARD-2.
Boosting the electron beam brightness: NeXource
EuPRAXIA study aims to increase the brightness of electron beams.
CompactLight: to compact accelerators and beyond
Designing a hard X-ray free electron laser.
SuShi: a Superconducting Shield Septum
Prototypes of a novel system to protect FCC from beam dumps produced.
HL-LHC project stimulates new collaboration
UK institutions to make important contribution across four research areas.
QUACO enters into Phase 2
Pooling efforts for the HL-LHC upgrade in QUACO enters second stage.