CERN Accelerating science

A versatile test cryostat for low beta superconducting cavities

In WP9 of the TIARA-PP project, the IPN Orsay team has raised the challenge of designing a versatile test cryostat capable to host almost all type of fully-equipped SC cavities, including the wide range of low beta structures.

E-learning: a new training opportunity for European accelerator science

Currently around 500 students each year commence master’s and PhD courses related to accelerator science and technology.

Concluding the TIARA Preparatory Phase

Almost 3 years since the TIARA Kickoff meeting, the TIARA participants met in Daresbury to review the progress within the Work Packages (WPs) and finalise the last deliverables.

Upgrade of the Swiss Light Source for R&D on ultralow vertical emittance

A high resolution beam size monitor has been commissioned at the SLS for verification of vertical emittance values below 1 pm.

RF drive system for MICE installed at the ICTF

Ionisation cooling is required to reduce the emittance of a muon beam rapidly for application in future accelerators for neutrino factories and muon colliders.

News about Tiara

The TIARA preparatory phase has been extended for one year, until December 31st 2014.

How many accelerator scientists are we training in Europe?

It sounds like a simple question, but no one knew the answer until the recent TIARA survey revealed, perhaps surprisingly, that in recent years more than 1300 people are being trained annually in some aspect of accelerator science.

High power test results on C-band accelerating structures

Beam energy upgraded from 180 to 250 MeV in SPARC photo-injector facility at INFN LNF with the help of C-Band structures.

New world record vertical emittance in the SLS Storage Ring


At the end of 2011, the Swiss Light Source (SLS) team reduced the vertical emittance to 0.9±0.4 picometer-radian, a new world record, only five times larger than its limit.

Jewels in the crown: TIARA's key research areas and R&D issues


A recently published report identifies and describes key, critical items requiring strongly focused R&D activities in the TIARA implementation.
