CERN Accelerating science

Bringing accelerator tech to new markets

The International Festival for Business discusses the impact of physics and acceleration technologies

FP7 CESSAMag and science diplomacy

CESSAMag has welcomed engineers from Iran, Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey to CERN.

LINAC4 ready to go up in energy 

LINAC4 begins the next step to achieve targeted beam commissioning of 100MeV.

ICTR-PHE2016: Accelerators for health

Researchers attended the ICTR-PHE conference to share ideas on cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Large private investment to boost “Accelerator on a chip”

“Accelerator on a chip” program boosted by $13.5 million investment by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

  Compact accelerators for big science

EuPRAXIA – Paving the Way for a European Plasma Research Accelerator

  European training network to fight cancer

European Commission grants 4 Million Euros for the Optimization of Medical Accelerators

Ultra-short electron beams at ELI-ALPS

Ultra-short electron acceleration studied at the shortest-pulse laser of all the ELI pillars                                                  

   Laser and accelerator     communities converge in            Mallorca                            

Workshop and international conference for laser and particle accelerator scientists.
