ERC Grants Supporting Alternative Accelerator Technologies
ERC grants are currently being used to support development of alternative accelerator technologies.
First pre-series sextupole for the SESAME storage ring
The ISIS facility celebrates the 10th anniversary of its radio frequency quadrupole accelerator.
CERN prepares for Future Circular Collider Study
World experts came together to launch a future circular collider (FCC) study, based on a new 80 to 100-km circular tunnel.
Latest developments in medical physics research
ICTR-PHE 2014 hosted researchers to discuss the latest developments in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Synergies for testing Superconducting RF cavities
Within the 36 month period of the CRISP project the main objective of WP4 is to upgrade and harmonize the SRF Accelerator Structures for ESS, ILC, LHC upgrade and the European XFEL.
Accelerators for Society is live now
Visit the recently launched website to learn more on applications of particle accelerators.
From the editors
In this summer issue we are approaching the end of EuCARD and have welcomed the beginning of EuCARD-2.
Improved ion sources and beam diagnostics for FAIR and SPIRAL2
Under the CRISP project framework, WP3 aims at developing improved ion sources and beam diagnostics for SPIRAL2 atGANIL and FAIR Proton LINAC at GSI.
Visions for the future of particle accelerators
Accelerator physicists discussing the challenges for the next 50 years of R&D in accelerator physics.