Visions for the future of particle accelerators
by Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN)

Poster of EuCARD'13 event at CERN was combined with a workshop on the Visions for the Future of Particle Accelerators. Image credit: EuCARD
The recently held EuCARD'13 event at CERN was combined with a workshop on the Visions for the Future of Particle Accelerators, which targeted to discuss the challenges for the next 50 years of research and development in accelerator physics.
The ambitions of accelerator-based sciences and applications far exceed the present accelerator possibilities. The natural time constant of accelerator technologies or projects is in the 20 to 30 years. Hence prospective studies require a vision over a 50 year period, to become liberated from today project considerations.
This 2-day workshop aimed at identifying the ultimate limits of concepts and technologies presently used or contemplated and at investigating possible future avenues requiring generic accelerator R&D. Two round tables on the role of EC projects and on the role of industry complemented the scientific perspectives.
Jean-Pierre Koutchouk, Maurizio Vretenar and Frank Zimmermann as the workshop organizers will report on the outcomes of the event in the next, Autumn Issue.