CERN Accelerating science

“TLEP” - Circular Higgs Factory and a Long-Term Perspective for High Energy Physics

EuCARD workshops to discuss the key ingredients, the physics potential, experimental detector concepts, and synergies with other projects of a TLEP facility.

Diagnostics based on Higher order mode port signals

Higher order mode (HOM) couplers are a crucial part of many superconducting cavities since unwanted modes, which are excited by the beam, need to be damped effectively.

Targeting the Energy Frontier for next Accelerators

Recently two EuCARD-AccNet events explored options for the next accelerators at the energy frontier.



High Temperature Superconductors in the LHC

Superconducting links in accelerator systems enable powering of the cryo-magnets from remote power converters.  


Development and Testing of Crab Cavities for High Intensity Colliders


The development of innovative crab cavity solutions for high intensity particle colliders is part of both the FP7 EUCARD and HiLumi framework programmes.

Visions for the future of particle accelerators

Accelerator physicists discussing the challenges for the next 50 years of R&D in accelerator physics.

Mechanical stabilisation of CLIC quadrupoles to the sub nanometre

To reach the desired luminosity in CLIC, the cross section of the colliding particle beams at the interaction point will be in the order of the nanometre..

Phase Control at CLIC

Extremely precise beam phase control is required for CLICtwo-beam acceleration technology as well as in Free Electron Lasers (FELs).

Thin films for Superconducting RF

The activity led by CERN in close collaboration with several other laboratories (CI-Lancaster, CEA, CNRS-IPNO, DESY, SINS) within the EuCARD Work Package 10.4 aims to address diverse topics in the thin film technology applied to SRF.

Accelerator work at Swierk

The largest research institute in Poland, the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) showcased an impressive variety of accelerator R&D and construction during the recently held EuCARD annual meeting in Warsaw.
