CERN Accelerating science

From EuCARD to EuCARD-2

The EuCARD'13 annual meeting took place on 10-14 June at CERN. The event, which brought together more than 180 accelerator specialists from all over the world, drew the conclusions from the EuCARD project and kicked-off its continuation, EuCARD-2.

Neutrinos come to Town

The second meeting on the European Strategy for Neutrino Oscillation Physics was held the 14-16 May 2012 at CERN, attracting some 150 registrants, from European institutes and beyond.



Achievements so far, as EuCARD enters its final year

The EuCARD project has just finished a successful 2nd period of 18 months, achieving most of its objectives and technical goals, and has started its 4th and final project year with more than 130 scientific papers published.

A European strategy for accelerator-based neutrino physics

In preparation for the CERN strategy meeting in Cracow NEu2012 as part of EuCARD project activities has delivered a coherent proposal for the next accelerator neutrino facility in Europe, as a result of two complementary design studies.

Circulating ideas about a new Higgs factory

Could the LHC tunnel one day house a high-luminosity electron-positron collider? This idea joined others at the LEP3 Day, held at CERN on 18 June 2012.

Accelerators in the European Strategy for Particle Physics meeting in Cracow

About 500 particle physicists and accelerator experts came together to discuss the future European strategy.

CLIC now entering phase two

Building on the success of their feasibility phase, the CLIC test facility, CTF3, has just launched into a five-year project development phase.

EuCARD-2 approved by the EC

The EuCARD-2 Integrating Activity project has successfully completed the negotiation phase with the EU.

Exploring the accelerator frontiers

Discussing technologies and limits for future particle accelerators is key to defining a coherent long term strategy.

EuCARD wrap-up and beyond

After 4 years of running, EuCARD lived up to the expectations and achieved most of its ambitious goals.
