CERN Accelerating science

  Concluding the TIARA Preparatory Phase
  by Celine Tanguy (CEA)

The final general meeting of the TIARA Preparatory Phase was hosted by STFC at Daresbury Laboratory on November 25-28. Image credit:TIARA.

Almost 3 years since the TIARA Kickoff meeting, the TIARA participants met in Daresbury to review the progress within the Work Packages (WPs) and finalise the last deliverables.

The organisational Work Packages provided details about the Infrastructure Need and Resource Comparison (WP3), the final plan of the collaborative R&D Program (WP4) and the results of the survey of market needs for trained personnel and recommendations for promoting accelerator science and technology (WP5).

From the technical Work Packages, the following achievements were highlighted (among others): ultralow (world record) vertical emittance at the Swiss Light Source (WP6), multi-MegaWatt RF systems for the Ionisation Cooling Test Facility (WP7), new C-band structures at SPARC and overview of C-band technology at other international projects (WP8), design of innovative multi-MegaWatt Irradiation Facility for complex target testing (WP9).

On this occasion, an overview of R&D Infrastructures and Accelerator Programmes in UK was given, as well as Industrial Engagement in UK Accelerator R&D. Status of the on-going work toward 14 TeV operation of LHC and R&D for High Luminosity Upgrade was also showcased.

Governing Council meetings, including the Steering Committee members, were also organised, in particular to pursue discussion toward the TIARA implementation.