CERN Accelerating science

Synergies for testing Superconducting RF cavities

Within the 36 month period of the CRISP project the main objective of WP4  is to upgrade and harmonize the SRF Accelerator Structures for ESS, ILC, LHC upgrade and the European XFEL.

A versatile test cryostat for low beta superconducting cavities

In WP9 of the TIARA-PP project, the IPN Orsay team has raised the challenge of designing a versatile test cryostat capable to host almost all type of fully-equipped SC cavities, including the wide range of low beta structures.

E-learning: a new training opportunity for European accelerator science

Currently around 500 students each year commence master’s and PhD courses related to accelerator science and technology.

Concluding the TIARA Preparatory Phase

Almost 3 years since the TIARA Kickoff meeting, the TIARA participants met in Daresbury to review the progress within the Work Packages (WPs) and finalise the last deliverables.

EuCARD wrap-up and beyond

After 4 years of running, EuCARD lived up to the expectations and achieved most of its ambitious goals.