From the FP7 HiLumi Design Study towards the High Luminosity LHC
Group picture from the 3rd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting 2013.
Image credit: HiLumi LHC.
To mark the approval of the High Luminosity LHC Programme by the CERN Council in June 2013, the 3rd Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the HL-LHC kick-off.
The event took place at the Daresbury Laboratory in the UK between 11-15 November 2013, with an outstanding attendance of more than 160 scientists from all over the world, including Japan, Russia and the US. Directors of major accelerator laboratories were present as invited prominent speakers.
The first part of the event covered the kick-off of the HL-LHC project, advanced as a first priority for CERN in the years to come. Following the format of the previous annual meetings, the second part of the event focused on the progress in design and R&D of the FP7 HiLumi Design Study. Plenary and work package parallel sessions were organized and focused on the work of the Parameter and Lay-Out Committee, the collaboration with LARP, the achievements and reports from work packages. The outcomes and recommendations of the CERN Review of LHC & Injector Upgrade Plans Workshop (RLIUP) were also reported.
The 4th Joint HiLumi Annual Meeting is planned to take place in November 2014 at KEK, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Japan.