CERN Accelerating science

Workshop on accelerator energy efficiency

Highlights from the EuCARD2 WP3 workshop on proton driver accelerator energy efficiency.

“The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project initiated by EuCARD-2 kicked-off in mid-June.

Wake field monitors to offer a way to diagnose and correct beam degradation.

  Applications of Particle      Accelerators in Europe  

A project to demonstrate the importance and impact of particle accelerators to policy makers.

EuCARD-2 approved by the EC

The EuCARD-2 Integrating Activity project has successfully completed the negotiation phase with the EU.

Universities and Laboratories for a common goal

An EuCARD-2 workshop brought together universities and laboratories to resolve differences and join forces for a common goal

First Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop

News from the first Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop, addressing novel challenges of particle accelerators
