Workshop on accelerator energy efficiency
Highlights from the EuCARD2 WP3 workshop on proton driver accelerator energy efficiency.
The kladistron project for high-efficiency klystrons
Kladistron project to design high-power 12GHz klystron for CLIC
RMC test magnet: 16.2 T peak field reached
RMC racetrack test magnet reaches record peak field of 16.2 T.
Delivering impact of particle accelerators
“The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project initiated by EuCARD-2 kicked-off in mid-June.
Towards 90% power conversion efficiency for klystrons
A novel method to achieve 90% RF power conversion efficiency in klystrons.
Wake field monitoring to improve FEL performance
Wake field monitors to offer a way to diagnose and correct beam degradation.
Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe
A project to demonstrate the importance and impact of particle accelerators to policy makers.
EuCARD-2 approved by the EC
The EuCARD-2 Integrating Activity project has successfully completed the negotiation phase with the EU.
Universities and Laboratories for a common goal
An EuCARD-2 workshop brought together universities and laboratories to resolve differences and join forces for a common goal
First Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop
News from the first Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop, addressing novel challenges of particle accelerators