CERN Accelerating science

New approach to characterize RF properties in complex structures

Introducing a new method for the characterization of radio frequency properties of large structures

New developments in unconvetional RF structures

Focus on very high accelerating gradient RF structures, either for superconducting or normal conducting machines.

A novel technique for compact accelerators

Circular electron colliders are not feasible at TeV energies; hence future TeV accelerator designs are based on linear colliders.

EuCARD wrap-up and beyond

After 4 years of running, EuCARD lived up to the expectations and achieved most of its ambitious goals.

A step towards Next Generation Magnets

The Future Magnets, Work Package 10 of EuCARD-2 is exploring the use of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) materials in future accelerator magnets.

Explore accelerator applications with EuCARD-2

EuCARD2 WP 4 (AccApplic) investigating existing and possible new applications of particle accelerators

New video introducing EuCARD-2

Watch the recently launched video that gives a short introduction to the EuCARD-2 project and its mission to develop particle accelerators of the 21st century.

Workshop on Accelerators for ADS

A workshop on accelerators for Accelerator Driven Systems took place on 20-21 March 2014.
