CERN Accelerating science

Accelerator Reliability and Availability Training

FCC launch of training programme on accelerator reliability and availability

     Collaboration to develop HTS coatings for FCC beam screens

New collaboration to develop beam screens for the FCC to reduce beam impedance

 First concept design for FCC-ee magnets

CERN's Technology Department presented a first concept for the main bending magnets for FCC-ee.

FCC baseline layout and parameter set

FCC-study publishes hadron collider baseline layout and parameter set

 A gender balance roadmap for FCC       

FCC committed to implement Gender Equality at each stage of the research cycle.                                               

Forging links between industry and fundamental science

Collaboration between academia and industry will be key to development of novel technologies within FCC. 

Highlights from the FCC week 

Learn about the outcomes of the 1st Annual Meeting.

CERN prepares for Future Circular Collider Study

World experts came together to launch a future circular collider (FCC) study, based on a new 80 to 100-km circular tunnel.
