Towards 90% power conversion efficiency for klystrons
A novel method to achieve 90% RF power conversion efficiency in klystrons.
First hardware for HL-LHC interaction region magnets
Testing the first coils of the triplet and of the sextupole corrector.
A gender balance roadmap for FCC
FCC committed to implement Gender Equality at each stage of the research cycle.
Hollow electron lenses for enhanced LHC beam collimation
Hollow electron lenses as a promising method to improve the beam collimation system at the LHC.
Wake field monitoring to improve FEL performance
Wake field monitors to offer a way to diagnose and correct beam degradation.
Delivering impact of particle accelerators
“The Applications of Particle Accelerators in Europe” project initiated by EuCARD-2 kicked-off in mid-June.
Forging links between industry and fundamental science
Collaboration between academia and industry will be key to development of novel technologies within FCC.
Celebrating the first LHC collisions
Great success at CERN marks official start of Run 2.
Laser and accelerator communities converge in Mallorca
Workshop and international conference for laser and particle accelerator scientists.