CERN Accelerating science

  Explore accelerator applications with EuCARD-2
   by Rob Edgecock (HUD)

Spot scanning gantry (Gantry 2), which was designed specifically to enable treatment of moving tumours with scanned beams. Image credit: PSI.

Work Package 4 (AccApplic) of the EuCARD2 project is a Network investigating existing and possible new applications of particle accelerators. The aim is to find applications that could benefit from accelerators and techniques developed for research activities, particularly in Particle Physics.

More than 30,000 accelerators are in use around the World for applications in the areas of healthcare, the environment, industry, energy and security. Together, these are responsible for nearly $0.5T/year of economic activity. Although the accelerators used for many of these applications are very well suited to the task, there are cases in which improvements in performance are possible or work is required to reduce the size or cost of the accelerator or there are particular problems to be solved. The AccApplic Network will be studying these cases.

As a Network, the main method of doing this will be to bring together experts to discuss the problems and possible solutions in workshops. The purpose is to initiate collaborations to further address the problems. The first such workshop, on Modern Hadron Therapy Gantry Developments, has already taken place and the summarizing report is now available. The next two are upcoming, on Accelerators for Accelerator Driven Systems and Neutron Production and BNCT. Further workshops on muon production for energy, materials and security applications and accelerators for flue gas, water and food treatment are also planned.

If you would like to participate in the Network or have suggestions for other workshops, please contact the coordinator, Rob Edgecock.