Superconducting Technologies for the Next Generation of Accelerators
Fig1: High Luminosity LHC will rely on cutting-edge 13 Tesla superconducting magnets, very compact and ultra-precise superconducting cavities for beam rotation, and 300-metre-long high-power superconducting links with zero energy dissipation. Image credit: CERN
The 2-day event focused on key areas such as the development of high- and low-field superconducting magnets, superconducting cavities, cryostats and superconducting links.
The workshop was the one of a series of initiatives at CERN aimed at connecting research infrastructures, facing specific technical challenges, with potential commercial partners, for R&D collaborations and knowledge exchange. More than 100 specialists, about half from industry and half from research laboratories and institutes, met to exchange information on: technologies, processes, materials, facilities, work organization and training of next generation engineers and technicians. In the workshop talks form HiLumi LHC, TIARA and ESS were complemented by presentations and booth stands from companies in forefront research of superconductivity.