CERN Accelerating science

  EuCARD-2 approved by the EC
  by Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN)

Image credit: EuCARD-2

The EuCARD-2 Integrating Activity project has successfully completed the negotiation phase with the EU. It will have a total budget of 23M€ over 4 years, with 8M€ of EU contribution. The official start of the project is foreseen for 1st May 2013 in order to allow a smooth transition and continuity with the EuCARD project.

The project will be led by Maurizio Vretenar of CERN, and builds on the success-to-date of the EuCARD project. The project's full title - Enhanced European Coordination for Accelerator Research & Development - reflects the extended scope to include more participants and more work packages. It brings a global view to accelerator research, coordinating a consortium of 40 accelerator laboratories, technology institutes, universities and industry to jointly address common challenges. EuCARD-2 will include six networks on strategic topics to reinforce synergies between communities active at all frontiers, extending the scope towards innovation and societal applications. The networks concentrate on extreme beam performance, novel accelerator concepts with outstanding potential, energy efficiency and accelerator applications in the fields of medicine, industry, environment and energy. The EuCARD-2 kick-off meeting will be organised with the last EuCARD annual meeting on 10-14 June 2013 at CERN.