From the editors
by Kate Kahle (CERN), Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN), Celine Tanguy (CEA), Elena Wildner (CERN)
At the London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony this summer, the stadium was transformed into the Large Hadron Collider, with dancers carrying glowing red shapes to represent particles.
Image credit: Deck Accessory, Flickr
This summer saw CERN announce to a worldwide audience the discovery of a Higgs-like boson, so this issue takes a look at the machine behind the discovery, the LHC, as well as future plans for a possible Higgs factory in the form of LEP3. Looking ahead too are European strategies for particle physics and accelerator-based neutrino physics. In addition, taking stock of the work so far, HiLumi LHC and EuCARD showcase their latest results.
In the headlines we’ve found stories of how Fermilab magnet developments and Italian advancements in magnet design and superconducting cables are helping the LHC high luminosity upgrade. We update you on the new Russian SuperB partner and the expansion of the UK Institute for Accelerator Science. We highlight the recent LHC proton-ion collision tests and the planned run extension into 2013. We also show how through outreach and proton therapy, accelerator science can make a difference to society.
We hope you enjoy this issue. Please contact us with any news or events that you would like added to future issues.