New progress for the HiLumi baseline configuration
Fig1: The U.S. LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) consists of four US laboratories, BNL, FNAL, LBNL, and SLAC, who collaborate with CERN on the Large Hadron Collider.
On 3 July, the High Luminosity LHC Parameter and Lay-out Committee (HL-PLC), formed as part of the HiLumi LHC Design Study, selected the maximum possible aperture for the quadrupoles of the inner triplets: 150 mm of coil free bore.
This decision was to get the maximum benefit of the new parameter space by using advanced superconductor Nb3Sn, based on the success of 4-m long, 90 mm aperture LARP quadrupole LQS01b and the 1-m long, 120 mm HQ. This choice was prepared by numerous meetings organized by the Magnets, Accelerator Physics and Performance and Energy deposition work package groups, with participation from CERN, University of Liverpool, US-LARP and KEK.
A recent review of US-LARP (LHC Accelerator Research Program) by DOE-Office of High Energy Physics praised the success of the LARP collaboration that was important in the HiLumi LHC project. In light of the 150 mm aperture size both the Accelerator Physics and the Magnet branches of LARP are readjusting their plans, preparing a construction project for 2015.
Additional progress included a recent meeting dedicated to the lay-out problem of the LHC-Point8 interaction region, especially in the LHCb upgrade era.