From the editors
by Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN), Celine Tanguy (CEA)

Fig 1: Amongst the upcoming events we highlight the EuCARD'13 event combined with a workshop on "Visions for the future of Particle Accelerators" on 10-14 June 2013. Image credit: CERN
Fig 2: The ACFA / IPAC’13 Accelerator Prizes will be presented during the IPAC'13 event from 13 to 17 May, 2013, in Sanghai, China. Image credit: IPAC'13
In this spring issue, we look at developments towards higher luminosity and higher energy colliders. We report on the technology developed for the remote powering of the LHC magnets and studies of diagnostics based on higher order mode port signals. We also inform you about the main outcome of the TIARA survey on market needs for accelerator scientists.
Expanding further the scope of the newsletter beyond EuCARD, HiLumi and TIARA projects, we are introducing the Accelerator Topic activities of the CRISP (Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics) European project and featuring the long term perspective for High Energy Physics via TLEP.
In the headlines, we learn about a new insulating compound for superconducting magnets, US-CERN partnership to accelerate neutrino research, recent results about the particle that we can now name a Higgs boson. We update you concerning the strategy for European particle physics and situation on linear colliders. Finally, we’ve found stories on how superconductivity leads the way to high luminosity and the huge impact of accelerators on semiconductor industry.
We hope you enjoy this issue. Please contact us with any news or events that you would like added to future issues.