Introducing CRISP Accelerator Topic for Synergies in Physics
by Hans Weise (DESY) with Agnes Szeberenyi (CERN)

Group photo taken at the 2nd CRISP Annual meeting, 18-20 March 2013, PSI, Switzerland. Image credit: CRISP
The EU funded CRISP project (The Cluster of Research Infrastructures for Synergies in Physics) started on 1st October 2011 and runs for 3 years. CRISP is a cooperative project, creating synergies and developing common solutions via knowledge and technology transfer from academia and industry for research infrastructures (RIs), initially bringing together 11 RIs in the field of Physics, Astronomy, and Analytical Facilities from the ESFRI roadmap across Europe. The work is organized around 4 main topics; accelerators, detectors, instruments and experiments, information technology and data management.
In the Accelerator Topic, the CRISP developments support the delivery of beams with superior intensity, the operation of accelerators with high reliability, particle beam characteristics which will allow opening new perspectives and opportunities for the next generation of nuclear and high energy physics projects and of experiments in photon, neutron and ion beam science.
A total of five work packages were defined within the topic to the benefit of several accelerator projects funded by CRISP. Improved ion sources will allow for better operation of Spiral 2 at GANIL. Bunch Shape Monitors are under development at GANIL as well as at GSI for FAIR. Superconducting accelerator technology will be further improved at DESY for the European XFEL, at CERN in collaboration with ESS for future projects including the European Spallation Source, and at GSI in order to address the challenges of fast cycled superconducting magnets for FAIR. Novel compact particle sources, electrons as well as protons, are also discussed and Radio Frequency Solid State Amplifiers using Cavity Combiners are under development at ESRF.