CERN Accelerating science

  Targeting the Energy Frontier for next Accelerators 
  by Frank Zimmermann (CERN)


Layout of SAPPHiRE g-g collider Higgs factory delivering 10k Higgs per year.

Recently two EuCARD-AccNet events explored options for the next accelerators at the energy frontier. The EuCARD “SAPPHiRE Day” on 19 February focused on the key components of a proposed g-g collider Higgs factory, based on a recirculating SC linac. The “Joint Snowmass-EuCARD/AccNet-HiLumiLHC meeting on Frontier Capabilities for Hadron Colliders 2013” on 21-22 February investigated the next generations of hadron colliders up to the 100 TeV scale. Both workshops attracted about 50 experts from around the world.

The proposed SAPPHIRE layout is a moderately expensive step towards a higher-energy linear collider, demonstrating the handling of 20-nm spot sizes while delivering first-rate physics results. The emphasis of the SAPPHiRE Day was on the laser system, optical cavity, interaction region design, and FEL approaches.

The joint workshop on frontier capabilities explored the parameters and 20-T magnets for a 33-TeV c.m. pp collider in the existing LHC tunnel and for a 100-TeV c.m. collider in a new 80-km tunnel. The workshop reviewed the high-field magnet development status and plans at CERN and LBNL.