CERN Accelerating science

  EuCARD highlights new developments
  by Kate Kahle (CERN)

Poster for the 3rd Annual Meeting of EuCARD in Warsaw 24-27 April 2012 Image credit: EuCARD

From within the project or via invited speakers, highlight talks at the EuCARD annual meeting are always a rich source of information about key developments in the accelerator sector. This year's meeting in Warsaw is no exception.

From the EuCARD project itself, highlight talks include LHC compact crab cavities and beam squeezing schemes, showcased alongside CLIC precision alignment and high-field magnet developments. Topics range from plasma wakefield acceleration to collimator designs, from neutrino physics to superconducting and low-level radio frequency (LLRF) updates.

Beyond the project, participants will also hear about progress in Polish institutes NCBJ Swierk and WUT, as well as accelerator applications such as medical isotope production and accelerator-driven nuclear power. The current status of the EuCARD-2 proposal, which scored 14/15 and will shortly enter negotiations, will also be presented. With such a range of topics showcased, there is certainly something for everyone.