Over 140 accelerator specialists from all over the world came together recently at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg for the 1st annual meeting for EuCARD-2 and the 1st Workshop on Accelerator Magnets in High Temperature Superconductors (HTS), which took place on 19-23 May. The meeting saw presentations from speakers from each work package, including reports from the networks, which organised over 15 workshops on the topics of catalysing innovation, energy efficiency, accelerator applications, extreme beams, low emittance rings and novel accelerators. There were also updates from the technical work packages, including reports that a Surface Analysis/Preparation Installation (SAPI) has been constructed and commissioned for carrying out research on metal photocathode materials, on completed irradiation tests on ions and protons at GSI and RCC-KI and on the demonstration and characterisation of spatial and temporal synchronisation of laser and electron beams. The 1st Workshop on Accelerator Magnets in HTS was an invite-only event organised as part of WP10 and included researchers from elsewhere in the world. It was the first in a series of planned workshops dedicated to High Temperature Superconductors, focusing on the construction and design of an HTS-dipole capable of boosting the field of an accelerator dipole from 15T to about 20T. |