Workshop on Accelerators for ADS
MYHRRA Layout: injector building to the left, the long straight for acceleration and the reactor building to the right. Image credit: MYHRRA - SCK CEN
A workshop on accelerators for Accelerator Driven Systems took place on 20-21 March 2014.
The workshop counted 42 registered participants and 30 contributions. The main European projects were represented with representatives from MYRRHA, Linac4/SPL, ESS, Saraf and SPIRAL2/IPHI.
An accelerator for ADS should provide a beam of protons with energies above 800 MeV and a beam power between a few and 10-15 MW. Beam losses should be controlled to minimize the irradiation of the accelerator and of the environment, but the most important quality of an ADS accelerator is its reliability. The number of beam trips should be minimised and the limitation comes mainly from thermal stress in the fuel structure. As a guideline, MYRRHA requirement are not more than 100 trips per day lasting between 0.1 sec and 3 seconds and no more than 10 trips per trimester lasting more than 3 seconds. The energy efficiency, the size of the accelerator and its cost are also important parameters. In the end, the solution chosen among LINAC, Cyclotron or Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerator (FFAG) will be the one best fulfilling all these requirements.
During the workshop several synergies were identified between Max and Eucard2 AccApplic, amongst which are reliability issues, the dynamics in the low energy beam transport and neutralisation effects and the concept of a virtual Accelerator.