Milestone for HTS coil at UNIGE
Successful tests of superconducting coil able to reach magnetic field of 25T
FCC designing novel beam screen system
The vacuum pipes for the FCC-hh will have to maintain ultrahigh vacuum and shield cold masses from radiation
Highlights from FCC Week 2016
More than 450 participants met in Rome during the 2016 Future Circular Collider (FCC) Week in April 2016
RMC test magnet: 16.2 T peak field reached
RMC racetrack test magnet reaches record peak field of 16.2 T.
FCC baseline layout and parameter set
FCC-study publishes hadron collider baseline layout and parameter set
Highlights from the FCC week
Learn about the outcomes of the 1st Annual Meeting.
An interview with Marcela Carena
Corrector magnets for HL-LHC
ARIES to launch innovation fund
EuCARD-2 achievements and prospects
Accelerating health and space research
Superconductivity accelerates a sustainable future
Accelerator reliability training help for experts
Boosting the electron beam brightness: NeXource
CompactLight: to compact accelerators and beyond