CERN Accelerating science

  Key highlights towards the High Luminosity LHC era

Highlights from the 4th Joint HiLumi LHC/ LARP Annual Meeting held in end November in KEK

Novel permanent magnet quadrupoles for LINAC4

The success of the novel Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles of LINAC4 for compactness and cost efficiency

Modelling the future FCC tunnel

Arup to develop a planning and decision aid tool for the feasibility assessment of the future FCC tunnel

Universities and Laboratories for a common goal

An EuCARD-2 workshop brought together universities and laboratories to resolve differences and join forces for a common goal

First Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop

News from the first Energy Efficient RF Sources Workshop, addressing novel challenges of particle accelerators

New approach to characterize RF properties in complex structures

Introducing a new method for the characterization of radio frequency properties of large structures

Accelerator quality HTS dipole magnet demonstrator design

A new coil layout design for HTS dipoles to reach the 20 Tesla in future accelerators

Powering strategy of SESAME magnets

Special powering strategy for SESAME magnets developed under CERN and SESAME collaboration