CERN Accelerating science

Uppsala University and TIARA highlighting RF power generation for accelerators


The 2nd industry workshop sponsored by TIARA took place on 17-19 June at the Angstrom laboratory in Uppsala University.

A growing market for accelerator personnel in Europe

The findings are revealing: an overall growth of 18% in personnel is projected over the next 5 years, driven largely by the construction of new facilities on this timescale.

R&D on C-band accelerators

The use of Radio-Frequency C-Band accelerating structures for electron acceleration and production of high quality beams has been recently proposed and adopted in several linac projects all over the world.                                    

Accelerators for Society

Did you know that among the more than 26,000 particle accelerators currently in use worldwide, only 1% is used for research?

Mid-point of the TIARA Preparatory Phase

Held at CIEMAT in Madrid on June 12-14, the TIARA general mid-term meeting marked the end of the first half of the three-year TIARA-PP project.



How many accelerator scientists are we training in Europe?

It sounds like a simple question, but no one knew the answer until the recent TIARA survey revealed, perhaps surprisingly, that in recent years more than 1300 people are being trained annually in some aspect of accelerator science.

Jewels in the crown: TIARA's key research areas and R&D issues


A recently published report identifies and describes key, critical items requiring strongly focused R&D activities in the TIARA implementation.

New world record vertical emittance in the SLS Storage Ring


At the end of 2011, the Swiss Light Source (SLS) team reduced the vertical emittance to 0.9±0.4 picometer-radian, a new world record, only five times larger than its limit.
