Lillyput 3 is an industrial accelerator with photon energy 6 & 9 MV that is easily transportable for nondestructive inspection tests. (click image to enlarge) Image credit: NCBJ, HITEC division
The largest research institute in Poland, the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) showcased an impressive variety of accelerator R&D and construction during the recently held EuCARD annual meeting in Warsaw.
Created in 2011, NCBJ merged the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) and the Institute of Atomic Energy POLATOM, and now has more than 1,000 employees. The institute is involved in several international projects and research infrastructures, constructing components such as proton buncher and –mode structres (PIMS) for the LHC Linac4, higher order mode (HoM) absorbers for European-XFEL, developing e- accelerator for the GBAR experiment at CERN, integrating elements of neutral beam injection system (NBI) for the Wendesltein 7-X stellarator in Greifswald, etc.
It is home to the research reactor MARIA, specialising in neutron beam research, activation analysis and isotope production for medical use. In addition, NCBJ develops accelerators for industry, such as the non-destructive inspection techniques of Lillyput, and accelerators for medicine, such as COLINE linear accelerators used in radiotherapy for treating cancer.