CERN Accelerating science

Mid-point of the TIARA Preparatory Phase

Held at CIEMAT in Madrid on June 12-14, the TIARA general mid-term meeting marked the end of the first half of the three-year TIARA-PP project.



Accelerator work at Swierk

The largest research institute in Poland, the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) showcased an impressive variety of accelerator R&D and construction during the recently held EuCARD annual meeting in Warsaw.

Neutrinos come to Town

The second meeting on the European Strategy for Neutrino Oscillation Physics was held the 14-16 May 2012 at CERN, attracting some 150 registrants, from European institutes and beyond.



From the editors

In this summer issue we look at how developments in collimator materials could have applications in aerospace and beyond, and how Polish researchers are harnessing accelerators for medical and industrial uses.



LARP’s role in the luminosity upgrade

What part can US researchers play in the high luminosity upgrade of the LHC?




How many accelerator scientists are we training in Europe?

It sounds like a simple question, but no one knew the answer until the recent TIARA survey revealed, perhaps surprisingly, that in recent years more than 1300 people are being trained annually in some aspect of accelerator science.

Colli-makers: new materials for collimator design

Work presented at EuCARD’s Annual Meeting highlights important developments for the next-generation of collimators.



Illuminating the way from Research to Industry

Euspen’s event in May brought together researchers and industry from around the world, helping to push boundaries in precision engineering.