Thin films for Superconducting RF
Pb-coated photocatode plug, and global view of the 1.5-cell 1.3 GHz cavity used for testing. Image credit: CERN
The activity led by CERN in close collaboration with several other laboratories (CI-Lancaster, CEA, CNRS-IPNO, DESY, SINS) within the EuCARD Work Package 10.4 aims to address diverse topics in the thin film technology applied to SRF.
The analysis of the relative merits of several state of the art thin film coating technologies and the establishment of a network of SRF thin film test facilities were the first goal of this activity. The second goal was the establishment of state of the art Nb/Cu deposition on QWR cavities by sputtering techniques, including also the novel HIPIMS technique which has been demonstrated first on elliptical cavities. The third goal was the successful demonstration of the compatibility of arc-coated Pb photocathodes with the stringent requirements needed for achieving high surface fields, when used in conjunction with state of the art Nb superconducting cavities.
The several positive results obtained in this task have led to the establishment of two new tasks in EuCARD-2, which are devoted to the further development of innovative thin films (multilayers, HIPIMS, new materials) and of photocathode manufacturing processes.
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