CERN Accelerating science

The update of EU Strategy for particle physics adopted by CERN Council

Six years after its first definition in 2006, the European strategy for particle physics was updated so as to take into account the progress made so far and the evolution of theglobal particle physics landscape.

Visions for the future of particle accelerators

Accelerator physicists discussing the challenges for the next 50 years of R&D in accelerator physics.

Uppsala University and TIARA highlighting RF power generation for accelerators


The 2nd industry workshop sponsored by TIARA took place on 17-19 June at the Angstrom laboratory in Uppsala University.

Mechanical stabilisation of CLIC quadrupoles to the sub nanometre

To reach the desired luminosity in CLIC, the cross section of the colliding particle beams at the interaction point will be in the order of the nanometre..

Improved ion sources and beam diagnostics for FAIR and SPIRAL2

Under the CRISP project framework, WP3 aims at developing improved ion sources and beam diagnostics  for SPIRAL2 atGANIL and FAIR Proton LINAC at GSI.

Phase Control at CLIC

Extremely precise beam phase control is required for CLICtwo-beam acceleration technology as well as in Free Electron Lasers (FELs).

Thin films for Superconducting RF

The activity led by CERN in close collaboration with several other laboratories (CI-Lancaster, CEA, CNRS-IPNO, DESY, SINS) within the EuCARD Work Package 10.4 aims to address diverse topics in the thin film technology applied to SRF.

Collimator upgrades toward HL-LHC

In the frame of the LHC upgrades towards the High Luminosity LHC, the improvement of the LHC collimation system is a critical aspect.

From EuCARD to EuCARD-2

The EuCARD'13 annual meeting took place on 10-14 June at CERN. The event, which brought together more than 180 accelerator specialists from all over the world, drew the conclusions from the EuCARD project and kicked-off its continuation, EuCARD-2.

From the editors

In this summer issue we are approaching the end of EuCARD and have welcomed the beginning of EuCARD-2.